A couple of months ago I had a run-in, via text, with a friend and colleague.
Read MoreA few years ago, during one of the most difficult times of my life, I had an up-close-and-personal experience in nature…
Read MoreAre worrisome patterns beginning to pop up in you and your relationships? How can you tell if your complicated romantic life is unhealthy? Take this 10-question quiz…
During my advanced coaching training, while watching my instructor perform coaching demonstrations with other students, I became absolutely astonished at the power of coaching…
Read MoreIn our modern culture, so much more in the area of sexuality is accepted and even mainstream than in preceding decades. Yet the quiet struggle to find oneself sexually and the desire not to hurt others in the process can be confusing and overwhelming…
Read MoreAlcoholics Anonymous, the 12-step program for those who have experienced alcoholism, began amidst shame and suspicion in the 1930s…
Read MoreLet’s start with the compulsive porn user. Shame is the notion that what he is doing is abnormal and as such, must be kept hidden…
Read MoreAlthough shame is often a loud and convincing voice, there is much that can be done to counter its negative message and bring about peace and self-assurance. Here are four things you can begin to incorporate into your daily life starting today…
Read MoreAdoption is a beautiful and necessary part of our culture. Adoption places children who may not have a lot of hope for a healthy, opportunity-filled life…
Read MoreThis is the second in a series of blog articles meant for anyone who has a part in the adoption process: adoptees, adoptive parents, involved siblings, significant others of adoptees, and extended family…
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