Transformational Coaching
What do you want to create? A rewarding job that makes you excited to get up in the morning and get to work? The loving relationship you’ve always wanted but never actually experienced? A healthy, strong body that is capable of just about any adventure you can dream up? A life that is abundant in time, resources, fun stuff to do, and meaningful connection?
Maybe you’re in the midst of a big life change - a divorce or ending of a significant relationship, a long-distance move, a career transition - or you are contemplating making one.
When you start thinking about what you WANT, what comes up? Do you light up? Do you get all hot and bothered? Do all of the reasons why you CAN’T have it start playing in your head? Do you get flooded with doubt, fear, and negative thoughts? Do you have no idea where to start?
If so, here’s what you need to know
You are powerfully (albeit temporarily) experiencing the limitations of your unconscious beliefs. Your unconscious beliefs are formed by your conditioning, the way you were raised and educated, your traumas, the life experiences in which you experienced rejection, failure, and disappointment. As long as you believe the negative thoughts served up quickly and automatically by your unconscious mind, you literally can’t see the pathways and opportunities to the things you want to create and experience. Empowering thoughts and beliefs, exciting opportunities and avenues, the on-ramps to what you really want are just not available to you when you don’t have the hard-wired experience to recognize them.
Guess what? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! To some extent, we are all hamsters on wheels, mindlessly and repetitively thinking the same thoughts and making the same choices fed to us by our unconscious mind. That sucks, right? Yes it does, when you’re stuck in old patterns.
But here’s the GOOD NEWS: your unconscious mind is highly adaptable and always updating itself. Your unconscious mind is creative! You can rewire your thought patterns and have new experiences in place of the same old ones, and the VERY VERY GOOD NEWS is that changing your mind is not as hard as you might think.
Why transformational coaching works
The unconscious mind is a tricky little bugger, and your brain is lazy. (Not just yours, mine too.) Repeating the same negative thought patterns over and over is efficient and energy-saving for your brain, and not so good for you. When you’re believing all of the crap that your unconscious mind is feeding you, it can be difficult to see what’s real, let alone find the way out.
This is where I come in! As your coach, I will listen and watch for the ways that you are being hijacked by your unconscious mind, and we will do some deep work around that. This may sound scary, but it’s also fun and liberating! I will help you see that the critical, doubting, limiting thoughts and beliefs that seem to hold you back are nothing more than hallucinations waiting to be exposed to the light of day. Then I will help you create new thoughts and beliefs that empower, support and encourage you. Imagine how life can be when you’re on your own side! You will begin to feel different inside, and the results in your life will start to follow.
Who am I to tell you all of this? Great question! I have done, and am continuously doing the deep work of transformation on myself. I have been through most of the life changes (divorce, long-distance moves, career changes, social circle changes) that a person can go through. I have listened to my own limiting thoughts a ton, and experienced the discomfort and heartbreak of not really showing my true self to the world. I know how painful that is! As your coach and ally, I understand where you are now, and I’ll help you get to where you want to be. I will show you how to believe in yourself again - not just give lip service to what you’d like to believe. I’ll help you find that deep-down-in-your-gut knowing that you are in fact unlimited and can create whatever you really desire.
Let’s talk transformation!
Hi there! For all information and inquiries for transformational coaching, please visit me at See you over there!
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Always trust your gut. If it feels right for you, it is right for you.