Partner and Spouse Coaching with Amy

Is your partner or spouse struggling with addiction? Do you find yourself

  • trying to figure them out or fix them?

  • trying to manage their behavior and minimize the damage it causes?

  • exhausted from constant stress and worry?

  • unable to maintain boundaries and say ‘no’ in fear that it will drive them to act out more or hurt themselves?

  • feeling overwhelmed, fearful, traumatized, ashamed and alone?

Having a partner that is struggling with addiction can feel scary and lonely. Especially if you haven’t personally experienced addiction, it can be difficult to understand where your loved one is coming from. It’s tempting to think of their addiction as a problem that you can solve. In your love and concern for them, you try to fix them or stabilize them, but you end up running yourself ragged trying to manage the destruction their addiction is causing. You may have found yourself without firm boundaries, and in your desperation to help, you’ve accepted behavior that is destructive and harmful to you in the long run. You may feel ashamed, embarrassed, and unable to reach out for support from those around you, or you may try to cover up what’s going on. All of this leads you to further feelings of isolation and loneliness. Trying to navigate your significant other’s addiction can leave you feeling utterly powerless and exhausted.

Amy Briggs | Transformational Coach has joined with Living Color Healing to offer support for partners and spouses of those struggling with addiction.


I understand what you’re feeling

I understand this because I have been where you are. Both as a family member and partner, I have experienced the erratic and stressful effects of a loved one’s addiction. And while it hasn’t always been easy to navigate, I have learned - over time - that with clear boundaries and loving detachment it is possible to care for myself first. As I prioritize my own grounding and balance, I become healthier myself. When I am healthy and aligned, I can take on what’s mine and not take on what isn’t. This allows me to feel more understanding and compassion not only for myself but for my beloved, too.


What am I going to do?

At this point, just reaching out for help feels like a big deal. If you are reading this, you are taking the first brave step. You may be feeling a great deal of hurt, confusion, anger and fear. You may have no idea what will eventually happen in your relationship. It’s OK. You don’t have to know right now. Right now, the most important thing you can do is allow yourself to be witnessed and supported. As your ally in this journey, I will help you find radical self-care and self-awareness. I’ll hold a sacred container for you to gradually and gently return to a feeling of wholeness and balance. As you heal, you will find greater clarity, compassion and love for yourself…as well as for your partner. Whether or not you ultimately decide to stay together! You will come to know - at a cellular level - that you will be OK no matter what happens. And you may even find you discover a whole new horizon of possibility for your relationship to expand in love.

I am an integrative life coach specializing in supporting women whose partners struggle with addiction. Whether your partner’s addiction is behavioral (sex or love addiction, infidelity) or substance-related (alcohol, drugs), the work is the same…we start with you. I am Internal Family Systems informed, and my approach is holistic and embodied. I will help you sort through the conflicting thoughts and feelings that seem to hijack you so you can reconnect to your deepest self that has always been there.


You are not alone

Please know that you are not alone. It is OK to ask for help. If you’re ready to reclaim your power and take your life back, I would love to talk with you. Click below for your free 30-minute connection call to learn more about how I support and coach partners and spouses affected by addiction. You can also email me at or visit my contact page with any questions you might have. I look forward to hearing from you!

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