Spiritual Coaching
Do You Ever Ask Yourself, “Is This All There Is To Life?”
Has life become predictable, routine, or uninspiring? Do you feel like there must be more to living than going to work, paying the bills, and taking the occasional vacation to catch your breath?
Are you starting to ask yourself profound questions like Why am I here? What does any of this mean?
Perhaps you feel drawn to explore your spirituality independent of past religious influences—but you don’t know where to start. Or maybe you have already begun your journey, and you’re looking for someone who will listen to you, help you reflect, and encourage you to dig deeper.
Spiritual Disconnection Can Manifest In Unique Ways
At work, you may be happy with your job but ultimately seek greater fulfillment or purpose in what you do. Social distancing and restrictive health regulations are likely creating distance in your relationships and a detachment from the world around you.
And though you may appreciate having a little more “downtime,” the inability to get out and visit family or friends is probably making you feel more and more out of sync with everyone you care about. At this point, the isolation and uncertainty are likely affecting your ability to connect with the higher parts of yourself.
As a spiritual coach at Living Color Healing, I understand what you are going through, and with my help, I believe you can discover—within yourself—the answers to your deepest inner questions. At the same time, you can feel calmer, become more centered, and gain definitive direction in your life.
Life Is Full Of Obstacles To Our Spiritual Well-Being
There’s no question that we are living in tough times. Our society faces so many political, social, economic, religious, and cultural divisions that most of us are ultimately scared and disconnected. COVID has disrupted our social and familial patterns while creating financial hardships for many.
And though social media has the power to connect us, it often leads to feelings of isolation and inadequacy as we compare and contrast what we have to the perceived lives of others. With so many powerful forces at play, more and more people are starting to ask themselves, How can I find greater peace and fulfillment in my life?
Atheists, agnostics, and even individuals formerly raised in religious environments are increasingly identifying as non-religious—yet spiritually curious.* They’re still leaning into life’s bigger questions: What is my purpose? What is the meaning of this life? Is there a greater consciousness than my own?
What Is The Benefit Of Working With A Spiritual Coach?
Spirituality, at its core, requires you to look within yourself. However, if you’ve come from a religious tradition that has told you how to think, behave, or exist, you may not have the skills to search within yourself objectively. At the same time, we also experience ourselves most fully by relating with other people because we need to be seen, heard, and trusted by others.
Working with a spiritual coach gives you a like-minded ally who can offer you impartial support as you discover deep insights and powerful truths about yourself. It also provides you with a companion who can truly hear you, see you, and walk with you along your spiritual journey.
Coaching Can Help You Explore Your Spiritual Path
When it comes to spiritual wellness, many people often have ideas of what they would like to achieve or cultivate, but their goals aren’t always clear.
Working with a life coach gives you a safe environment to explore your self-truths and consciously determine what you hope to gain from your personal spiritual journey. It enables you to discover and build the foundational tools of your spiritual practice while making a plan for taking weekly, sustainable steps toward your goals.
Though I’ll be there for guidance and support, I’ll also keep you accountable for your own spiritual growth. Along your journey, you’ll likely make significant discoveries about yourself, your purpose in this life, and what you need to feel whole and fulfilled.
What Our Spirituality Coaching Sessions Will Look Like
I’ll start our initial session with a visualization exercise—a tool that will allow you to explore the spiritual life and practice you want without limitation, judgment, or self-criticism. By silencing the inner critic, you can reveal long-hidden desires and gain the clarity to actualize your spirituality.
In that way, life coaching—and by extension, spiritual coaching—is a client-driven, solution-oriented process. That means I want to help you identify your hopes and give you the tools to make your goals a reality. To do that, I’ll ask you a series of thoughtful and introspective questions meant to help you uncover any blind spots, limiting beliefs, or hidden obstacles that may present a challenge.
As your present thoughts and feelings come into focus, we can then take actionable steps toward both your short-term and long-term goals for your spiritual well-being. We’ll also identify tools that you may be drawn to that will act as guidance for your journey, such as journaling, meditation, reading, listening to spiritual teachers, or perhaps attending a retreat.
Spiritual Coaching Offers You Direction For Profound Growth
I believe that each person possesses a secret knowledge that ultimately defines what they require for spiritual connection and fulfillment. My job is to help clients sharpen their skills for self-inquiry, leading them to hidden or unacknowledged truths. As a spiritual life coach, I know I am doing my job the best when I see my clients outgrow the need for me because they have become in alignment with their true selves and desires.
When it comes to spirituality, many people can get stuck before they even get started, fearing that there must be a right or wrong way to go about it. In reality, there is no such thing as a right or wrong way to look within. When we feel stuck or uncertain, being seen, heard, and supported by a compassionate and experienced professional is a powerful and essential catalyst for self-realization.
Perhaps You Are Considering Spiritual Coaching, But You Still Have Some Concerns…
I’m searching for deeper meaning in my life, but I’m worried that my friends and family will think I am weird for seeing a holistic spiritual coach.
The world around us can seem pretty black and white, rational, and pragmatic. We are expected to go to school, get a job, start a family, and somehow find happiness and meaning within this manufactured paradigm.
The truth is, many of us struggle to find lasting satisfaction and fulfillment in the purely material world. For those of us called to question the deeper meaning of life, curiosity is a good thing—it means we are growing and expanding.
So it’s okay if some people in your life don’t share your longing for deeper meaning.
Is spiritual coaching expensive?
As a spiritual coach, my goal is to help you become self-actualized, inspired, and empowered—at which point, you’ll no longer feel the need for support. Moreover, spiritual coaching can help you get started with what may well become a lifelong practice of your own.
And though the time frame varies for each client, working with a coach is meant to be a temporary investment. So it’s not only powerfully effective but also economical when it comes to making lasting changes in your life.
I am spiritual but not religious. What relationship does spiritual coaching have with religion?
In my own life, I identify as spiritual but not religious. Like many of my clients, I was raised in a religious environment. While I found parts of this tradition meaningful, I also had serious questions about other parts.
In my experience, questioning what we have learned is healthy—it means that we are starting to tap into our inner sense of truth. This inner sense of truth is what I’m most interested in as a coach. Coming from the deepest part of you, it’s uniquely and truly your own.
You may already be aware of your spiritual self, or perhaps you are just starting to tune in. Either way, uncovering your personal truth is the goal of spiritual coaching—and while that may include aspects of your religious faith, it need not.
Whatever this picture looks like to you, as your coach I will support and encourage you as you dig deeper.
Coaching Can Offer You A Path Toward A More Fulfilling Spiritual Life
If you are ready to embark on your own journey of spiritual exploration, I would love to help. Please click here to schedule your free 60-minute online or phone consult, or visit the Contact page to submit a form with any questions you may have.
Always trust your gut. If it feels right for you, it is right for you.