Next Steps in Recovery: YOUR Recovery Community

14 years ago I reluctantly began a journey that profoundly changed me and the course of my life. At the urging of my addictions counselor, I joined a recovery group, not knowing what to expect. We can talk about the details over coffee, but here’s the headline: The depth of connection and bonds of friendship I found there were like nothing I had ever experienced… my fellow soldiers in the trenches with me

What I wanted was a cure. What I got was a new way of thinking… a new way of being. Profoundly changed. And it happened in the spirit of togetherness.

Doing the hard work of getting sober bought us some space to recognize the possibility of a “true self” underneath all the pain - underneath the layers we’ve used to cover our wounds, much like a bandage. In sobriety, we become aware of these layers. And now, we have the sober “breathing room” to begin to gently peel the layers. We just couldn’t do this before, especially alone. Now, the togetherness that comes in a group provides the support and safety to begin this next step. 

If you’re looking for an engaging and meaningful sober community - free from substances, you’ve found your place!

Join me and others like you on Tuesday evenings beginning in April at the Boulder Healing Hub… Be changedBe renewed

“I put my hand in yours, and together we can do what we could never do alone.”

Brian KlinkComment